Living in Alignment and Thriving

Last week, I took a few days off to rest, play, go to the Oregon Coast, hike, and see a movie. My first movie in over a year. Ahhhhh… Going to see a movie - out of the house - was divine, and the theater was even grander. It was in an old historic theater in Portland that looked more like an opera house inside than a movie theater.

I haven’t taken time off since May, 2021 and had forgotten how necessary it is to step away from the computer, get outside, take a break from seeing clients, and recharge my batteries.

I’m a huge proponent of balance, and often suggest to my clients that they take time to play. And…. because I truly love my work (it feels more like play than work) I don’t always take my own medicine.

I could write a whole blog about that, another time perhaps…

During my hike in Forest Park, my nervous system melting and relaxing in the gentle forest energy, I was struck by the idea that something can be medicine at one point in our lives, and yet if we continue to take it after it’s needed, it can become toxic to our systems.

I first moved to Portland in 2018 from Santa Fe, NM. Up until that point in my life, I’d lived in Colorado most of my adult life. I left Colorado after ending a long-term relationship, and moved to Santa Fe to start over.

Santa Fe stripped me to the bone of everything I’d created in my life prior to that: relationships, jobs, identities, false selves… an entire life I’d built over the previous 23 years. I downsized, sold most of my furniture, and arrived in Santa Fe utterly empty.

Or so I thought.

My arrival was just the beginning. I only lived there for one year, but it felt like a lifetime of being stripped clean, raked raw. It was both a desert landscape geographically, and also a metaphorical desert epoch of my life, where every false self, shadow self, and ego defense I’d built was shattered.

I was stripped bare emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically (including shaving my head) to release the identity my hair had created.

Santa Fe was also where I had a full-blown kundalini awakening.

From Santa Fe, I moved to Portland June 2018. My first hiking trip in Oregon was to Silver Falls, where a beautiful old grandmother Cedar tree - grandmother of that particular forest - called me to her. As I stood with my arms wrapped around her, heart and cheek pressed gently against her, tears streaming down my face, she whispered to my weary heart and Spirit, “Welcome Home.”

My first two years in Portland were extremely healing for me. The parts of me that had been stripped bare have been filled in with ME. Not the me I’d constructed over the previous years, but the authentic me.

I have been nourished deeply by this verdant landscape.

In May 2020, I began to feel out of alignment with Portland. I’d outgrown this place. Continuing to live here since then, I’ve felt boggy, heavy, and weighed down.

I made a decision a few months ago to move to another state, first considering Asheville, NC but then being guided to Austin, TX.

The trees in Forest Park seemed to confirm what I knew in my bones. I’m healed, whole, and ready to begin a whole new chapter in my life. Heck… a whole new book.

The medicine of the Pacific Northwest that once was so healing for me is now heavy, boggy, and weighing my system down.

I share this story with you because you might be in an identity, job, relationship, a state of dis-ease in your body, or even living in a state or country that no longer feels aligned.

Yet you stay. Slowly withering away, little by little feeling more and more like a hollowed out empty shell. One day possibly the wind will just blow you away like a Texas tumbleweed…

How is this related at all to Holistic Pelvic Health, Sexuality + Embodiment?

If you’re tolerating pelvic pain, incontinence, chronic bladder or yeast infections, debilitating menstrual challenges every month, unable to orgasm (or can orgasm, but only with great effort)...

I’m here to tell you that it’s time.

Time to heal the pelvic pain that weighs you down, makes you feel shitty about yourself, interferes with your self-esteem, work performance, your ability to show up fully as a mom, wife, friend, lover. Interferes with your ability to fully enjoy life’s array of activities.

It’s time to heal. Time to start living in full authentic alignment with your heart and soul’s deepest desires.

If you’ve been suffering from pelvic pain and been down what I call the typical western “Doctor Road Show,” but haven’t gotten any relief, I get it. You’re skeptical.

What makes my approach different from the 20 other things you’ve tried? I offer 23+ years of advanced training and professional experience. I use a synthesis of highly effective modalities that address more than your symptoms. I use a whole person approach inclusive of your mind, body and spirit. And the love letters from my clients say it all. Healing the root cause of your pelvic health challenge is not only possible, it doesn’t have to be hard!

You didn’t come here to merely exist. You came here to do, be, have, experience, express and contribute the magnificent essence of YOU in this world. Healing is possible. Even if you’ve been down that road before and it’s not gotten you where you want to be.

You’re a unique soul having an amazingly exhilarating human journey called life. You only get one (this time around anyways).

Time to live it, darling. Live it big!



Grace J. Willow

Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Psychedelic Integration. Virtual therapy for adults 24+ in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Florida.

Embodying Worthiness


Confetti, Human Design & Following Your Bliss