Welcome to a sacred space dedicated to supporting you to heal in service of your soul’s highest authentic expression. Here, you are invited to embark on a profound, life-transforming adventure.
My ethos is rooted in the belief that you are a soul living an embodied human expression, charged with learning, growing & evolving in order to actualize your highest potential.
With years of expertise finely honed over more than 26 years of advanced training and professional experience, my practice has evolved into a sanctuary where ancient wisdom teachings meets modern understanding. It is here that we explore the intricate tapestry of your embodied existence.
My approach is a highly specialized synthesis of evidence based techniques and ancient holistic wisdom, each strand woven with the intention of guiding you toward a more profound connection with your soul essence. Through personalized sessions, we journey together, unlocking the doors to self-discovery and empowerment, nurturing your body, elevating your mind, and enriching and nourishing your heart, soul & spirit.
I offer a deeply transformational space for people who are on a quest for deep intimacy with themselves and others, harmony, wellness, wholeness, and authentic self-expression.
I am honored to be your guide, your companion on this journey. Together, let us step into the boundless potential that awaits, embracing the beauty of your soul’s essence, and unfolding the petals of your highest self. Welcome to a place where every individual is seen, heard, and cherished—a haven where the magic of your existence is celebrated.
A few personal things about me…
I love to explore topics such as neuroscience, quantum physics, quantum field theory & quantum reality, spirituality / consciousness, sacred sexuality, and Divine Feminine / Sacred Womb practices.
I’m probably the most Woo-Woo person I know, and I’m also deeply grounded. I’m not interested in spiritual dogma or spiritual bypass.
I have a quirky sense of humor.
Trees, Water, fresh air and sunshine kissing my skin, hiking, kayaking, backpacking, Mother Earth, and world travel …. all things Nature make my heart and soul sing…
Small talk makes my skin crawl. If you want to connect with me, expect to be authentic and go DEEP.
My top values are freedom, integrity, authenticity, and reverence for all life.
INFP, Human Design 3/5 Manifesting Generator (in Quantum Human Design I’m a Time Bender), Sparketype Advisor / Sage, SAI Holland code, Virgo Sun and Virgo Ascendent with Pisces moon
None of this defines me. It’s just fun & interesting to look at life through these lenses sometimes.If you’re interested in my clinical training & background, you’ll find that information below.
“Our highest knowledge is that we have come forth from the divine, pure and unblemished, containing a sacred and bottomless well of love and capacity for joy.”
― Elizabeth S. Eiler Ph.D., Singing Woman: Voices of the Sacred Feminine
My background, training & professional experience include:
M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Adams State University
B.A. Communication, Regis University
LPC (Oregon, Colorado, Texas), LMHC (Florida), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)
#1 Best-Selling Co-Author of Women Living Consciously Book II (written under my former legal name)
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Fluence and Journey Clinical
Aroma Point Mastery Teacher, Tiffany Carole / Master Healer Academy (expected June 2025)
Advanced Clinical Meta Hypnotherapist, Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute
Certified Clinical Meta Hypnotherapist, Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute
Past Life Regression and Akashic Records Spiritual Hypnosis, Boulder Hypnotherapy Institute
Sacred Leadership, Ann Bromley
650-hour training in Women’s Integrated Health - The Flourish™ Institute
650-hour Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching certification, VITA™ Institute
Certified Holistic Pelvic Care™ Therapist, Tami Lynn Kent
850-hour Professional Core Energy™ Coaching certification, The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
Licensed Massage Therapist, 1,150 hour Massage Program through The Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy (CIMT) - specializing in somatic bodywork, abdominal, womb, & pelvic bowl / pelvic floor therapies
Certified Neuromuscular Therapist, International Academy of Neuromuscular Therapy (IANMT through CIMT) (Judith Walker Delaney)
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
Master Energy Healer, Alchemist, Wisdom Teacher - I was born with all of my intuitive psychic & spiritual gifts intact. As a child, I hid these gifts to fit in and be “normal,” and they became dormant until a car accident and near-death experience in 1999. During my recovery afterward, I began training in numerous energetic, healing, channeling, mediumship and other healing modalities, only to discover I was simply remembering knowledge and ancient wisdom I already possessed.
Clairvoyant Medium / Channel / Medium / Spiritualist – In addition to being clairvoyant (able to accurately “read” energy) I have also fully developed my entire intuitive and spiritual abilities to sense, smell, taste, feel, hear, and know what is normally beyond the normal human five senses. I also channel energy both in spoken and vibrational frequency through my body to whomever I am working with (even at a distance) so that you benefit from the vibrational frequencies in a body-felt way.
Soul Midwife – I see who you are as a soul living an embodied human experience, your soul contracts, agreements, lessons, themes and challenges. I see the “real” you, and my “soul purpose” is to remind you who you truly are so you can actualize your highest soul potential, and also to support humanity during the ‘shift of the ages’ as we ascend in consciousness from 3D to 5D.