How Somatic Therapy Helps You Reconnect with Your Body
How does somatic therapy reconnect you with your body?
Therapists who emphasize talk therapy generally focus on the mind and changing thoughts and beliefs. This involves telling the story, but the part of your brain that remembers the story isn’t connected to the part of the brain, nervous system, and tissues where the trauma actually lives.
I explain to clients that old traumas that haven’t been healed are like tiny frozen time capsules that get triggered by current events. Unttil you thaw out and release the frozen trauma, it causes disruptions in everything, including your mood, sleep, digestion, how you respond to people and events, and all levels of well-being.
Somatic therapists work with the nervous system, which includes the emotional and primal parts of the brain to improve connection to the body, increase bodily awareness, and support deep healing and transformation. Where trauma gets stored isn’t rational, logical, or linear. It’s stored in memory networks and accessed, not through talking about it, but through experiencing body-felt sensations.
Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life
There are a plethora of perspectives available. Choose Wisely
Your reality is based on the thoughts, beliefs and perspectives you have about yourself, other people, and the world around you. If your “reality” isn’t offering the results you desire, shift your perspective so that you can craft a life that you love.
here are some tips to do that
1. Know that your perspective isn’t necessarily “reality.” In fact, I studied neuroscience in my undergraduate Communication degree, and I learned that your brain creates your reality based on your beliefs, most of which were inherited from parents, family, sociocultural institutions, culture, or other authority figures, which informs your self-identity and worldview.
2. To change your reality, you must change your thoughts and beliefs (something I focus on heavily in my work with clients).
Reality isn’t fixed. It’s malleable.