Embodying Worthiness

“There's no prerequisites to worthiness. You're born worthy, and I think that's a message a lot of women need to hear.” - Viola Davis

Hello Gorgeous!

Dropping in here with a worthiness love bomb as nectar for your body, mind, heart and soul.

The foundation of this offering is based on the work of Rachael Maddoxx and her ReBloom method that focuses on healing the 'Seven Core Wounds of Humanity' that are expressed in our bodies, our health, our relationships, our finances, which I learned in my Women's Pelvic Health certification through Dagmar Khan's Flourish™ Institute.

I've infused my own flavors, education, and experience into Rachael's work to support you in reclaiming your own natural Blueprint of Health.

The first core wound of humanity is unworthiness, which stems from neglect in early childhood - usually between birth and age 7. 
Sources of neglect can include not having adequate attention, touch, food, safety, shelter, structure, validation, or belonging. I'm not here to demonize your parents or caregivers, but let's be honest. Most of us didn't receive stellar (or even good enough) parenting. Many of us had parents who were young, inexperienced, unsupported, and who also hadn't done any of their own inner healing work.

Neglect creates a deep sense of "I don't deserve to have my needs acknowledged or met," which then becomes an internalized narrative that we don't deserve safety, love and belonging. What we experienced in childhood becomes introjected in how we treat ourselves (and how we allow others to treat us) as adults.

The hypo-response to neglect is self-denial, where you deny the very parts of yourself that were neglected, including your mind, heart, body, and sexuality. Manifestations of self-denial include guilt, depression, loss of connection to your authentic wants, needs & desires, putting others' needs first, toxic shame, flimsy or non-existent boundaries, people pleasing ("doormat syndrome"), negative self-talk, and neglect, denial, ignoring our own needs, and a deep fear of putting yourself first. 

Neglect bridges into abusive power dynamics and leads to exploitation, which has everything to do with women's pelvic and sexual health.

The hyper-response to neglect is deviance or self-reliance.
Deviance looks like meeting your needs by going outside the bounds of your own safety at the expense of your own health and well-being. Deviance may manifest as aggression / perpetrator behavior (I have to take what's mine because nobody else is watching out for me or gives a shit), creating drama, self-harm and other self-destructive behaviors. Deviance is extremely common, as there is a  deep connection between women's pelvic health challenges and food deviance ("I'm going to feed my needs through food... FUCK YOU!").

Self-reliance stems from a deep fear of abandonment and/or being let down by others, so you don't ask for help, don't allow others in, cut off the need for intimacy and connection, and attempt to meet all your needs - emotionally, physically, and spiritually - on your own (I call it the lone wolf, syndrome). It connects back to childhood, and relates to "nobody else can see me, hear me, understand me, or meet my needs" and creates a shell around you that doesn't allow anyone in to feed your deep hunger for safety, love, belonging, and connection. Self-reliance leads to serious health challenges, and possibly even auto-immune disorders.

Why does worthiness matter?

Starting with the blueprint of worthiness is literally the foundation upon which you live your life. Everything flows from there. 

If you feel worthy, you will experience deep authentic connection and intimacy with yourself and others, an unshakable sense of "I'm safe, I belong, I matter, my needs matter." Your health, relationships, career, and finances will all reflect the worthiness you experience internally. 

If you feel deep down (perhaps even subconsciously) that you're unworthy, it will be reflected in the way you show up in the world on every level, including how you dress, what you eat, who you hang out with, the activities you engage in, treatment you accept from others, level of happiness and fulfillment you experience in your career, your financial ease and success, the quality of your relationships - literally everything.

If you don't feel worthy, you'll accept less than what you desire or deserve. You'll settle. You'll tolerate. You'll subconsciously attract partners, jobs, and friendships that mirror your deep sense of unworthiness back to you. You might also subconsciously create drama, sabotage yourself any time you try to achieve anything that is really important to you, feel deeply frustrated, and wonder why you just never seem to feel good enough, qualified, get ahead, be successful, or like you belong in the world.

Your belly button isn't just there for navel gazing

The seat of unworthiness resides in your umbilicus (aka belly button or navel). The umbilicus is the physical and emotional core of your body, your first connection to receiving nutrients through your mother's umbilical cord in utero; it's also the epi-center of fascia, lymphatics, and fluid flow.

If you are carrying a deep imprint of unworthiness, it adversely impacts the health of your lymphatic and myofascial systems, which impacts your nervous system, brain, digestive system, and thus your entire body is effected, perhaps resulting in a build-up of physical toxins in numerous body systems, inflammation, chronic pain, anxiety, digestive issues, and more.

Diagnostically speaking, have you ever gone to the doctor and had them say, "I'm sorry, it looks like you have a (mild, moderate, severe, or life-threatening) case of unworthiness. I'm going to write up some recommendations to support you in amplifying your field of health in service to reclaiming your natural blueprint of health"?

No, instead, you're diagnosed with PMS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), pelvic organ prolapse, endometriosis, infertility, dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia, incontinence, low libido, leaky gut syndrome, IBS, depression, back or hip pain, anxiety, and any number of other clinical diagnoses. All of which are interconnected, by the way.

To be clear, I'm NOT saying that all pelvic, digestive, mental, emotional, spiritual, and other physical health diagnoses are caused by unworthiness. There are a myriad of intersecting factors that contribute to dis-ease in the body, including lifestyle factors and unresolved trauma.

I'm simply pointing out that worthiness is the core of our felt sense of belonging, safety, and feeling worthy of being loved. If that ONE ingredient is missing, all the other factors are magnified exponentially. 

Now, I know you may be tempted to delete this email, deeming it 'not important' to your pelvic health and sexual health challenges, or to leading a more pleasurable life. Or, you may save it and then forget about it, or think to yourself that you'll do it someday... and then never get around to it.

Please allow me to invite you to consider that you, my darling, deserve the very presence, kindness, dignity, deep listening, and care that your inner child deserved all those years ago, and which you easily extend to everyone else in your life. 

The body speaks in sensations, and the only way it can communicate to you that something is out of balance and it needs your attention, care, loving presence and support, is by communicating to you through a spectrum of pleasure and discomfort experienced in the form of sensation.

Pleasure signals 'All is well. Keep on truckin' on, love!" Think of it like a green traffic light. Proceed.

Discomfort signals "Somethin' ain't right here. Might want to check under the hood." Think of this like a yellow traffic light. Check under the hood (i.e. listen to what your body is trying to communicate before you have to take it into the doctor, herbalist, acupuncturist, massage therapist, functional medicine specialist, or chiropractor for repair).

Dis-ease signals "Might need an entire engine overhaul." Connect this to something relevant to your own life that you know you would have been in your best interest to release or incorporate at the yellow light stage, instead of ignoring it until your body is in the dangerous red zone. 

Sound woo-woo? No, really, humor me here. I'm not kidding.

I've seen it thousands of times in my work with clients. Are you the only exception? Are you REALLY that special?

I didn't think so...

Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, the wound of unworthiness is part of your soul's plan to guide you through your unique healing journey to reclaim your inherent worthiness and personal power, so that you can embody your inner womb sovereignty (womb-dom) in service to reconnecting to your authentic purpose as a soul having a human experience?

Please give yourself the gift of your exquisite time, energy, love, devotion, and do this worthiness embodiment practice every day for one month. This will serve you for the rest of your life, amplify your field of health, and completely transform how you feel about yourself and your life. It's life changing, I promise! 

I'll be back soon with another love bomb...


Grace J. Willow

Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Psychedelic Integration. Virtual therapy for adults 24+ in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Florida.


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Living in Alignment and Thriving