I offer a powerful integration of Past Life and Between Life Regression spiritual hypnosis sessions, intuitive energy healing, channeling, coaching, and potent essential oils applied to Aroma Point Therapy acupoints, supporting powerful energetic alignment, clearing old patterns, and healing the root cause of the issues that are contributing to distress, supporting you to reconnect with a profound body-felt sense of safety, love, belonging, radiant health and well-being, as well as access to an endless reservoir of inner resources of personal power, agency, confidence, stability, strength, trust, brilliance, ease, and thriving - body, mind, heart, soul & spirit.

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused relaxed awareness.

Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based holistic modality that powerfully supports you to resolve recent as well as long-standing chronic blocks that keep you feeling stuck, small & limited so that you can reconnect to your innate health & well-being, confidence, creativity, inspiration, ease, peace, joy, flow, abundance & thriving on all levels of your being - body, mind, heart, soul & spirit.

A Past Life Regression spiritual hypnosis session can support you to

- Access memories and experiences from past lives to resolve emotional, psychological, and physical issues that may be holding you back in your current life, gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and update contracts and agreements

Identify and address unsupportive behavioral patterns by uncovering their roots in past lives and/or contracts and agreements made before coming into your current life, facilitating the release of such behaviors.

-balance and update chakras from the 3D blueprint to multidimensional blueprint & function

-balance & harmonize energy bodies

-release foreign energies, implants & devices

-Identify the origins of current health challenges that stem from past life traumas, and update contracts and agreements to allow for the alleviation of associated distress, discomfort, and dis-ease.

-Investigate and resolve unexplained fears and phobias from past life experiences.

-Understand complex relationship dynamics by examining past life connections, and update contracts, agreements and promises, potentially resolving relationship challenges.

-Explore dreams, déjà vu experiences, as well as affinities for certain geographic areas, cultures, or historical periods, which may stem from past life experiences.

-Enhance creativity, health and financial success by drawing upon and integratating memories, wisdom, skills, talents & abilities from past lives

-Apply successful strategies, perspectives, and solutions from past lives to current challenges

-Reclaim skills, talents, and abilities from past lives, to enhance your current life experience

-Meet your Spirit Guide, Soul Group, and Soul Council

-Discover who you are as a soul, your soul’s developmental trajectory and curriculum for this life, and your purpose and spiritual lessons you’re working on in this current life

-And so much more….

Through PLRT, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, leveraging insights from past experiences to foster personal growth and well-being in their present life.

Work With Me

  • Past Life Regression Hypnosis Session

    A Past Life Regression hypnosis session can help you access memories and experiences from past lives to resolve emotional, psychological, and physical issues that may be holding you back in your current life. You may also gain access to, understand or update, contracts and agreements.
    -Sessions last approx 2 hours
    -$395 (prorated if sessions go longer)
    Available virtually worldwide.

  • Between Life Hypnosis Session $395

    A Between Life Regression spiritual hypnosis session can help you access memories and experiences from the planning space between lives, where your soul reviews previous experiences, plans the next incarnation(s), and makes agreements and soul contracts for future incarnations.

    Gain access to, understand, update or release soul contracts and agreements, decisions, choice points, destiny points, ancestral and karmic agreements, and more that no longer serve your soul's evolution.

    Sessions typically last 2 to 3 hours. Starts at $395 for 2-hour session. Prorated if session lasts longer. Packages available.
    Available virtually worldwide.

  • 3-session package - $999

    A package of 3 Past Life Regression hypnosis sessions or Between Life hypnosis sessions can help you access memories and experiences from past lives to resolve emotional, psychological, and physical issues that may be holding you back in your current life.

    Having 3 sessions provides deeper understanding, healing, and resolution of long-standing issues that may be blocking you from actualizing your highest potential.

    -Each session is approx 2 hours.

    -$999 for 3-session package (for 2-hour sessions. Prorated at $395 per hour in 30-minute increments if sessions last significantly longer than 2 hours).

    Available virtually worldwide.


Past Life Regression sessions require prepayment and I require a 7-day cancellation / reschedule notice.
Due to the length of these sessions, any PLRT sessions canceled with less than a 7-day notice will be forfeit.


What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a deep Theta brain wave state of relaxation where you are fully aware, and simultaneously deeply relaxed. During a relaxed fully alert state of consciousness, your subconscious mind is awake and clear, easily accessible, allowing your conscious mind to recede, which enables you to more easily access your deepest inner truth to create beneficial changes in thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that support your desired outcomes. Hypnosis is a natural state. When you are focused on one thing, like watching your favorite show on TV, reading a book, or driving on the freeway, you are in a hypnotic state.

Theta brain waves measure between 4 and 8 Hz and happen when you’re awake and extremely relaxed, or in very light sleep. Theta is also the brain state you experience when you are experiencing hypnosis / hypnotherapy.

How does hypnosis work?

You will be sitting up or lying down, and I will guide you - similar to a guided visualization - into an alert, fully awake and aware, yet relaxed hypnotic (Theta) state, where your conscious mind becomes relaxed while your subconscious mind stays awake, allowing you and your hypnotherapist to communicate with your subconscious mind to access your deepest inner truths. In a hypnotherapy session, healing can occur because you’ll be able to access memories of every experience you’ve ever had - even if you don’t consciously remember the event - held in the subconscious mind that are ready to be healed, transformed, resolved, and completed. Once your old limiting beliefs and behaviors are identified and released, the subconscious mind becomes receptive to new ideas and open to suggestions which encourage more sensible, healthy, balanced and helpful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to support you to achieve the results you desire.

What is the conscious and subconscious mind?

The conscious mind is the “thinking,” “rational,” “logical,” and “intellectual” mind, which comprises about 5-10% of your mind. The conscious mind is able to choose, accept, reject, and originate thoughts that come from prior experience and external information. It operates on known facts and data. The conscious mind functions to help you survive, and it does a tremendous job. Many symptoms I see are a result of the protective mechanisms in the conscious mind. Although it’s great that you have an automatic program that serves to protect you, when you no longer need the coping mechanism, or if it’s preventing you from what’s right for you, it’s time to release and start moving forward.

The subconscious mind stores all of the memories from your life, even the ones you don’t consciously remember. It has access to your autonomic, involuntary bodily functions, as well as habits and beliefs that are automatic and habitual. The subconscious mind is present from birth until death, and is formed before the conscious mind and pre-frontal cortex (higher thinking mind) is fully developed. The subconscious mind comprises about 90-95% of your mind and is fueled by your emotions, imagination, and intuition. When you have emotions and feelings, it’s usually the subconscious mind that’s directing the energy toward particular thoughts and behaviors.

There are other healing modalities such as meditation, affirmations, visualization, but messages rarely go beyond the conscious mind because it serves as a gatekeeper, only accepting what it believes to be true, based on previous experience. Most people are not trained to work with the mind and the patterns that have been in your system, well practiced, for many years. With hypnotherapy, you’ll typically see results in a very short period of time - usually within the first 3-6 sessions - by accessing and addressing the underlying root cause of whatever challenges you are experiencing, by directly talking to your subconscious mind. I'll provide affirmations and new thoughts and behaviors after each session to practice, which reinforces the gains made in each hypnotherapy session, as well as support the rewiring of new neural networks.

What does being hypnotized feel like?

Most people feel very relaxed, peaceful, awake, and comfortable. Your body is very relaxed while your mind is clear. It’s like being in an incredibly relaxed, alert meditative state.

I’ve never been hypnotized. What if I can’t be hypnotized? Or what if I can’t come out of hypnosis? Will I be unconscious during hypnosis? Will I lose control?
Will you make me do things I don’t want to do? What if I access memories or other information I don’t want to know?

There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about hypnotherapy / hypnosis. Many people think of entertainment / stage hypnosis, where the ‘hypnotist’ makes them do something silly, like quack like a duck. In fact, this is a Delta brain state, also known as somnambulim, which is NOT the brain state you will be in while in hypnotherapy or hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy/ hypnosis is completely different from stage hypnosis. During a hypnotherapy / hypnosis session, you’re in a Theta brain state - fully alert and awake, and you’ll be in full control of yourself at all times. You can never be forced to say or reveal anything against your will because you’ll be completely aware of everything while being hypnotized. It is a healing session for you. You can be hypnotized despite being told you’re not hypnotizable. It’s a matter of finding the right relaxation technique to support you to fully relax and feel safe.

You can always come out of hypnosis since it’s a natural relaxed state. Some people also think the only weak-minded person can be hypnotized, but on the contrary, it’s not true because hypnosis requires concentration.

You will only ever access information that you are ready to become aware of, and process.

Do you offer online sessions or in person? How does hypnosis work?

Yes, I offer hypnotherapy / hypnosis virtually for clients worldwide via Zoom.
For online sessions, you are invited to lean back on a couch or comfortable chair, prop yourself up with a blanket and pillows to make yourself relax and comfortable, or lie down.
Virtual results are the same as an in-person session or better because you’re in your own environment and can fully relax.
In person hypnosis available during a Private 1/2 day, full day, or 3 or 4 day Soul Journey Retreat.

Are there any contraindications? Can I do hypnotherapy if I’m on medications?

There are a few contraindications and times when hypnosis would not be beneficial.

Hypnosis is not appropriate if you’re under the influence of alcohol or non-prescription medication. Prescription pain medications will also impact your experience.

Hypnosis is not appropriate if you’re under psychiatric care or have extensive mental health issues, such as Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, an active manic Bipolar Disorder episode, or certain other mental health issues or psychiatric medications. If you’re not sure, reach out and we can discuss.

There are also times when it would be more appropriate to work with a licensed mental health professional or clincial hypnotherapist. If this is the case, I’m licensed in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, and would be happy to offer a clinical hypnotherapy consultation, or refer you to another professional licensed in the state in which you live.

Pregnancy - it is completely safe to do hypnosis while pregnant.

Symptoms associated with pain, chronic illness, stress, autoimmune disorders, financial blocks, wanting to stop smoking, drinking or overeating, anxiety, and past life issues that are impacting your current experience can all benefit from hypnosis; Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment but a helpful complement. Mind and body are interconnected, impacting each other, and hypnosis supports you on all levels - body, mind, heart, soul & spirit.

How does Past Life Regression hypnosis work?

During a Past Life Regression hypnosis session, I will regress you in time, where you can re-examine (without necessarily re-experiencing) events which influenced you from a past, alternative or parallel life, or even in a between-life state of consciousness. By bringing these memories to the surface, the subconscious mind is able to clear unresolved imprints and can be ‘reprogrammed’ to experience your desired outcomes in your current life.  

Who do you work with?

I support adults 18+ in hypnosis sessions.
Occasionally, I will work with children and teens. Please inquire.

What are your rates and how many sessions do you recommend?

Rates are listed above. The number of recommended sessions varies depending on the issue(s) you wish to address, how long the issues have been present, and other factors. Most people see tangible results with 3-6 sessions.
I also offer private half-day, full-day and 3-day Soul Journey healing intensives.

About Grace

Grace J. Willow
Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Professional Embodiment Coach, Somatic Psychotherapist (CO, NM, TX), Wisdom Teacher, Guide
I offer non-traditional wholistic (whole-making) transpersonal hypnotherapy, somatic therapy, integrative bodywork, private experiential soul journey retreats, courses & workshops.

If you’re ready to take the next step on your journey, I offer a free virtual consultation to connect with you deeper and explore whether working together is a good mutual fit.