Reminder (in case you forgot) you are Magnificent!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? 'Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” - Marianne Williamson

Hello Beautiful!

I recently had a conversation with a new-to-me friend who lives in Norway. She and I met through an 8-week women's coaching group entitled Self-Love Journey. After journeying together for 6 weeks in the group container, we finally connected for a one-on-one video chat via WhatsApp on a beautiful Sunday morning two weeks ago.

I felt so incredibly blessed and inspired by our conversation, and of course, was inspired to write about it. 

She and I are on our own unique paths of learning to fully love ourselves, and using that awakened and actualized self-love to step more fully into our authentic selves, releasing all the layers of 'not me' that stand in the way of our magnificence.

We initially connected over a shared belief of 'not good enough' that developed in our earlier years, which over time became a barrier to living into our full potential. I've been actively whittling away at dismantling that belief for more than 20 years, and am still surprised each time new little fragmented nuggets emerge! Our conversation meandered like a babbling brook as we co-explored how this belief had guided and informed our self-concepts, our beliefs about our worth and value, our worldviews, and our relationships. And we both decided this belief would no longer be tolerated. 

As we neared wrapping up our conversation, she asked me if I would be willing to serve as a mirror so she could practice standing in her brilliance and magnificence. What a Love BOMB!!!

I was stunned. And awed. And honored.

Stunned, because her request made me realize the courage it must have taken for her to articulate that need for herself, and to request that I hold up a mirror for her. Awed by her tremendous courage and trust she placed in me as a safe witness and mirror.

Stunned and awed because her request made me deeply and painfully aware of the fact that we all need to be safe, welcomed, witnessed, and celebrated for standing in our brilliance, our magnificence. And yet, many people never receive that kind of generous attunement and safety in their entire lives.

Knowing that breaks my heart wide open and reaffirms to me how special and sacred it is to have somewhere in our lives (someone) to whom we can turn and ask them to witness us in our magnificence.

In my work as a Somatic Therapist and Embodiment Coach, every single client I've ever worked with arrives with some version of 'I'm not enough, not good enough, don't deserve to be happy or feel loved.' From a very young age, we've been conditioned to be humble, not brag, and certainly don't make others uncomfortable by being 'too much.' We've been shamed for being too loud, too exuberant, too creative, too 'outside the lines." Over time we learned to internalize the message that WE'RE too much while receiving the double-binding simultaneously confusing message that we're not enough and somehow don't quite measure up.

Finally, I was awed by her courage, because layered within her request was so much more than a request for a mirror to reflect her magnificence back to her. It was a request from herself TO herself for a safe container where she could give herself permission to take up space in her life, to fearlessly shine her light out in the world, and to BE who she really is, while allowing herself to be seen for who she really is.

I was, and am, honored to serve as a witness, and now a dear friend, as I stand by and watch her unfurl like a flower that's been afraid to open, but is now shining courageously and unapologetically in her blazing glory for all to see.

Her courage touched something within me. A place tucked deep inside began to pulse with a yearning to also be seen in my brilliant magnificence. Courageously, I made the same request of her, and immediately realized it was the first time in my life when I had felt safe enough to allow another to see my full "muchness."

Her acknowledgement, validation, and celebration has given me courage to start showing up more fully in other areas of my life. Areas where I believed I was being authentic, but now realize I was still holding back in various ways, not standing in the full ALL-ness of me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you dear friend - you know who you are!

Powerful stuff!

As a Somatic Therapist and Embodiment Coach, I've been honored and privileged to hold space for others to shine their light for many years, but haven't before really grasped the level of trust and safety that it takes for people to even allow me to hold that space for them. It takes deep trust in me, even more trust in themselves, and supreme courage to do the deep inner work of excavating and healing the wounds, the shadow selves, the sub-personalities, to be able to stand strong and confident as a dazzling pillar of light in the brilliance of their very own amazing Self. 

So I write this blog for two reasons.

One, as a heartfelt thank you to all the amazing clients, friends, and family members who have been brave enough to be vulnerable, who allowed me to hold safe space and mirror their magnificence back to them over the years. Thank you for saying 'Yes' to your one and only unique in all the universe brilliant magnificence!

Second, if you're reading this and thinking to yourself that you haven't ever felt safe enough to stand in your own brilliance, or had anyone in your life who would serve as a mirror for your magnificence, I'd like to invite you to consider doing that now by joining my upcoming Pelvic Bowl Sings- a 6-month masterclass for women to heal “pelvic issues,” inner child wounds, and unresolved trauma. I would be honored to be a mirror for your brilliant magnificence, and to shine your brilliance back to you like the light of a thousand suns.

You were not born to merely exist. You were born for a reason, You have a unique purpose. And in order to fully embody and LIVE your purpose, to THRIVE, you must take up space in your life, shine your brilliant magnificent light, and be who you truly are. It is your birth right to feel safe, to be seen, to be witnessed, validated, celebrated... not for accomplishing something worthy of being called 'special,' but because of the beautiful gift that YOUR presence is in the world. You are enough. Always have been. Always will be. You just weren't taught to know your inherent value. 

If you're reading this and feeling a tug, a something stirring inside that wants to unfurl in the light of your own sun, to experience a deep 'in your bones' knowing that you are magnificent, please don't ignore that still, small voice whispering (or the loud raging roar) that it's time.... it's time.... it's your time to heal from trauma, become fully embodied, transform your life and shine as the full "muchness" of who you truly are.



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Grace J. Willow

Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Psychedelic Integration. Virtual therapy for adults 24+ in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Florida.

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