Tune In and Listen

What is Intuition?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert Einstein

From its latin roots ‘intueri’, Intuition means “in to you” or “to look inside.”

Some people refer to Intuition with different terminologies. Some call it a sixth sense, others call it ‘gut feeling’, and still others may relate to it as their ‘inner voice,’ Higher self, or even an Angel. However you resonate with it, I personally like the word intuition because it has a ‘sheer’ feel to it. You can’t really hitch on any type of esoteric, occult or mystical connotation, which is still today a reason for many to create a default attitude to skepticism. The word intuition has integrity, it is available all the time, and it doesn’t interfere or demand anything from us, unless we ask for guidance.

Intuition is nothing really extraordinary or paranormal. Every human being is born with this innate faculty, which like anything else in life, gets clearer and sharper if trained with ongoing awareness, attention, and practice. It is an extra muscle that is available to us which can be incredibly useful in our day-to-day life.

All of us have within ourselves answers and knowledge that we can access and rely on at any given moment. I think of intuition like a radio. There are several stations available to listen to and at any given time it’s your choice what “station” you dial in and listen to.

In my experience, intuition is an incredible resource. When accessed, it provides direct understanding and insight about situations or people, without the need to involve the rational, logical intellect.

Intuition is sometimes described as an ‘instinctive knowing or feeling,’ rather than something that can be easily classified, put in a box, categorized, and attached or linked to an objective meaning.

Not long ago, a comment about intuition often elicited thinly veiled discomfort, sometimes distrust or disbelief. People were quick to share their perceptions that intuition was quacky or ‘woo-woo.’ Some thought it was dangerous (akin to witchcraft and devilry). Only a handful of people admitted that they had an intuitive family member (most often a grandmother), or that they felt intuitive and often received gut instincts or knew things they couldn't possibly know logically, but they felt apprehensive talking about it for fear of public shame or ridicule.

Today, intuition is much more widely accepted, discredited less often, and embraced by many people in a number of professions from all walks of life. It's discussed openly instead of in whispers, and it is embraced not only by holistic health practitioners, but also by scientists, physicists, law enforcement officers, attorneys, executives, business leaders, the tech industry, healthcare professionals, physicians and surgeons.

Scientists rely heavily on data that can be qualitatively and quantitatively proven. However, science is on the brink of a new era – that of consciousness – and is beginning to study intuition as a quantifiable, measurable phenomenon. Law enforcement officers are trained to tune into their intuition and couple it with awareness and training. Business executives and leaders share that their best decisions arise when they follow their intuition. There are a plethora of stories about physicians and surgeons saving patients’ lives as a result of following their intuition.

Despite its increasing acceptance there still seems to be an aura of mystery surrounding intuition. Some people know they have it, use it with ease and facility; others recognize it but don't know how to harness it, how tell the difference between the ‘voice in their head,’ imagination, and true intuition, or how to access and use it with reliability and consistency.

Intuition isn't something reserved for a special few. It's a faculty each person is born with. Yet, because modern society tends to value logic over intuition, many of us grow up learning to solve problems solely by using logical inductive or deductive reasoning. Receiving information via intuition just isn't accepted in the classroom. And just like a muscle or skill (do you remember how to do algebra after high school? I don’t!) that isn't exercised, intuition that isn't used eventually atrophies and fades into the background.

The awesome news is that intuition can be restored with just a little practice, regular use and learning how to use it correctly so that you experience reliable consistent results.

If you...

  • wonder about things that your rational mind has difficulty explaining, like thinking of a friend you haven't heard from in several months just before the phone rings (guess who is on the other end of the line?)

  • have sudden flashes of insight or "know" things that you can't explain or “prove”

  • would like to learn how to harness your intuition and gain reliable consistent information that can be used to make better decisions in areas like business, career, finances, relationships and health

  • wonder what your "next steps" are (career, relationships, finances)

  • wonder if you're on the "right" path

  • feel like you should "know" something but can't figure out what it is

  • desire clarity about your path & purpose

  • struggle with your spiritual identity (Who or What is YOUR Inner Authentic Self?)

  • desire a deeper connection with, and clear guidance from, your intuition

  • want tools to develop your intuition and spiritual abilities

  • want to connect with Spirit Guides & Angels

Let’s work together to help you reconnect to your own knowing. Incidentally, I offer individual sessions and - both offered in person and remote- on intuitive & spiritual development. Message me if you’re interested.

“You have to become very still and listen while your inner voice – the very essence of you – tells you who you are. You’ll know you’ve found it when every cell in your body practically vibrates; when you’re filled up by what you’re doing instead of being drained by it.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Interesting Articles about Intuition

Science & Physics









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Grace J. Willow

Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Psychedelic Integration. Virtual therapy for adults 24+ in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Florida.


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