Trust The Process

I have known for many years that as Souls having human experiences our Souls always (and in all ways) understand where we’ve been and where we're headed. Whenever we have experiences that are out of the ordinary, our minds rush in to make up stories to make sense of the experience and put it into context with our other experiences (sort of like a filing system).

Yet, our Soul simply resides in the Infinite Now. It doesn't need a filing system, because the Soul exists outside of time and space.

The Soul, with a multidimensional perspective, guides us in and out of jobs, relationships, habits, even how we dress and behave, our interests, etc. Our Soul is always positioning us for our next steps in unfolding and expanding into more of who we truly AM.

Not understanding that moving to Santa Fe in 2016 was my Soul’s way of positioning me in a place where deep healing, releasing and preparation would occur, my mind created a “reason” – to justify, to explain, to make sense of the sudden change in scenery.

The Transformational Consciousness-centered master’s degree program that I was pursuing at Southwestern College served me in elucidating and validating all of the deep inner, personal and spiritual work I have accomplished since I began my healing journey in 2001. It enabled me to claim the truth of my spiritual and intuitive abilities and deeply embrace and hold in the highest regard the bare bones truth that I am here to serve consciousness in a way that I’m now being prepared for in a much more expanded capacity. 

Of course, my mind was tempted to make up yet another story about that – "I made a mistake in moving to Santa Fe for this Counseling program. Was I “supposed” to move somewhere else? Did I miss the mark? What am I going to do now?"

After much soul-searching, I gained the profound awareness that I had simply aimed for what I thought was possible, based on past experience, skills gained, and a certain comfort level with the familiar. I uncovered a long-forgotten childhood dream of becoming a doctor. However, seen through the filter of experience I had at the time I interpreted that to mean “medical doctor.” Once I realized that it was never about going to med school I tuned into the deeper dream – a doctor who can bridge science and spirituality, who can be of deep service in the world utilizing both solid science as well as spirituality and mysticism. A Doctor for the Soul.

Once something is known it can’t be unknown (I believe Elizabeth Gilbert said that). And it’s true. Once you know you’re off the mark, and suddenly realize that you’ve been aiming for what’s possible (close, but not IT), not really the ultimate target, you can’t help but change course. 

You know, as a Healing Arts Therapist, many people think I have everything figured out and my life is “together.” In reality, what people perceive as "together" from the outside looking in is simply the result of my willingness to continually listen for Spirit's guidance. I trust the process, say "Yes," and then move forward. I am willing to risk learning and growing (what some call making mistakes). Incidentally, my willingness to trust the flow and allow the river to carry me where my life is unfolding in its next expansive becoming is exactly what enables me to hold space for clients who are navigating similar experiences of disorientation, listening, and then recalibrating their internal compass toward their "true north." 

Living this way has given me a depth and breadth of understanding that when you’re wired to live an authentic life you CAN’T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS. If you accept jobs or enter relationships that you ultimately terminate, it’s not because you failed or because something was wrong. It’s because you learned, you received what you needed, you grew, and you moved on.

So yes, it takes a bit of courage to share with you that I uprooted myself, moved from Colorado Springs to Santa Fe, started a master’s degree program, and am now moving in a different direction. I’m now living in Portland, Oregon. Supremely happy, doing what I love, enrolled in a different Master’s degree program to complete a personal bucket list item, and totally love my life.
Succinctly put, I got what I needed, I grew as a result, and moved on. And, I will continue growing for the remaining time I have on this beloved planet I get to call home.

To your freedom and awakening,

“Once the spiritual journey begins, we leave the circumference of the circle and begin to travel along the radius of divine wisdom to reach the Center. This is a journey in and through the self of the human being. The End is the experience and knowledge of yourself as infinite eternal spirit. Along the way we leave behind every identification of gender, family, nationality, race, and religion, and understand ourselves as the Universal Human Being, the Child of God. In the past, the Greek mystery religions called this Logos; the Christian Gnostics called it Christos; the Sufis call it Insani Kamil.

Some have experienced the inbreath of Holy Spirit — whether through a murshid, a realized being, a community of lovers of God, a living tradition — and this has initiated a process of transformation that, if nurtured and protected, will lead to the actualization of the divine in the human being. Such a person will relate from the Divine in himself or herself to the Divine in another.”  ― Kabir Helminski

Grace J. Willow

Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Psychedelic Integration. Virtual therapy for adults 24+ in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Florida.



Inspired To Grow