Hello 2022: Embracing Winter’s Lessons and Planting Seeds for a Magical New Year Ahead

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for a home.” — Edith Sitwell

Hello beautiful soul!

Here we are on the other side of the busy holiday season and also the end of an entire year of upheaval, and endings making room for brand spankin' new beginnings.

Personally, I experienced a lot of shifts and transitions in 2020 and 2021, as I'm sure many of you reading this have as well.

2020 was a year for me to slow waaaay down and tune into higher states of consciousness that I'd not visited since starting grad school (who has time for listening to their heart and intuitive guidance in grad school?).

Doing so enabled me to get crystal clear on what I'm here to contribute to all that is as we move through what's being called the 'Shift of the Ages’; a transition from the density, polarity and duality consciousness of several thousand years of patriarchal rule and 3D, to dignity, respect, equanimity, and unity consciousness of 5D.

2021 held numerous endings for me.

  • I completed a MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in May.

  • I graduated from a year-long certification in Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching.

  • I released a huge fear of being visible in the world.

  • I culled relationships from my life that were no longer serving.

  • I left a job I'd outgrown.

I also made a decision to move from Portland, OR to Austin, TX in the next few months. More news on that in upcoming newsletters. Sign up here if you're not on my mailing list and want to be: https://www.gracejwillow.com/

All of these endings existed as significant choice points for me, creating opportunities for course correction so that I could align all of my energies with my most authentic, fully expressed self - my soul's purpose - if you will.

I'm now showing up bigger, bolder, louder -"out loud and proud" - in my work serving women to activate and awaken the divine feminine by liberating themselves from the chains of a paradigm that has kept us small, silent, voiceless, ashamed of who we are, ashamed of our bodies and their natural functions, our sexuality, and our power.

As I've stepped into this slipstream of my soul's calling, I've been on FIRE, generating new workshops, group programs, and courses like cray cray! It's been incredible.

I had a few new workshops and group programs that I was planning to begin offering this month. But I took 10 days off from work at the end of December. Doing so allowed me to tune in and align deeply with the rhythm of the season of Winter, who whispered to me "slow down, be still."

I've been going and doing, achieving and accomplishing for the last 22+ years. It's not easy for me to slow down, but I feel it's essential and also non-negotiable so that I can continue to keep my fingers on the pulse of my soul, to hear what my soul truly wants to call forth in the next season of my life.

So, I'm honoring this quiet time of the season of winter, and also what feels like a season of winter in my own life. Honoring the dying and releasing of so much this past year, and making space for the seeds of what my heart and soul want to plant in this next iteration of myself in 2022.

Living in alignment with the seasons and rhythms of cycles of nature, winter calls you to release the hustle of summer and the bustle of fall and the holidays, and drop into her silent embrace, so that the fruits of your yesterdays can be harvested and released with gratitude, creating space for new seeds, new creations, that are in harmonious alignment with your heart & soul's deepest desires for the next Spring of your life.

The workshops and courses that I'd planned to offer beginning in January have all been postponed until March, to coincide with the Spring Equinox and March's Full Moon, heralding a time of rebirth, spring, and new beginnings. *I have committed to collaborating with two events coming up - one on January 21st and another on February 16th - so those are still in motion. I'll be sending out details soon so you'll have the links to join, if you wish.

Will you consider joining me by taking a deep breath, slowing down, getting quiet, setting down the yoke of hard work and go, go, go, do, do do, and just lean back into the embrace of Winter's arms?

Trust that doing so will support you in resting deeply and giving you space to listen deeply for that which your heart and soul desire for you to birth into creation in this magical year ahead.


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Grace J. Willow

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, Psychedelic Integration, Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy. Virtual support for adults 30+ in Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Florida.


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